Sunday, June 23, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-23


-------------- RUFFIAN --------------  
 For Further Light:
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  

Master's Wages!
 -------------- HUMOR --------------  

What I found more times than not...
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

You Miss the Whole Point 
of your Education 
When you have Yet to Learn 
HOW to Learn.
 -------------- RESOURCES -------------- 
-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  
 What's On Your Horizon?
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

Messing up 
is not proof that we have not done the Work. 
Messing up is part of life! 
Not knowing how to correct 
or clean our messes up 
or not willingly doing so
 is proof we have more Work to do.
-------------- SUGAR COAT --------------  

It Truly Makes no Difference 
How you Sugarcoat Rubbish,
Unless you are Trying to 
Make it Easier to Swallow.
-------------- PHEW! --------------   
 For Further Light on this Influential Subject:
-------------- MYTH --------------  

“I think the person 
who takes a job 
in order to live 
- that is to say, 
for the money [not for purpose or passion]- 
has turned himself into a slave.”
Joseph Campbell 
For Further Light:
 -------------- FIRST RELIEFS --------------
One of the first Reliefs a Mason receives
 is provided to him by his own Work. 
 It is Rightfully assumed by the Established Craft 
that a man Enters unnecessarily Burdened. 
His Initial Work, whether undertaken or not, 
is to Divest his Heart and Mind of his Superfluities and Vices. 
He is also directed to Establish for himself what is most
 Important, Manage his Time more effectively, 
Subdue his Emotions, Sure-up his Moral Foundation, 
and Invest himself toward Virtuous Activities. 
In doing this Initial Work, he is overwhelmingly Relieved 
and thus enabled to use his Strength (Resources) 
for Betterment of himself and the whole of humanity. 
By not doing this Work, 
he remains Burdened in all his Travels 
and thus a Burden upon the whole of humanity. 
There is perhaps no greater Charitable act provided 
by a man toward all of God's Creation 
and those whom are within it 
then for him to do his Initial Unburdening Work 
before he distracts himself toward other aims 
assumed to be more pressing. 
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  

Master's Wages!
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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