Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-04


-------------- THE POINT --------------  

When you Attend any school 
Believing that you are going to be Provided 
with all that you need to Know, 
you miss the Point. 
Schools are for those who are 
Learning How to Learn. 
This is a Crucial Core of Cultivating Mastery. 
Learn How to Learn 
and you Attend Knowing that you are 
merely being Introduced to what you need to Learn. 
You Know too that what the school Provides is Superficial; 
the in-depth Learning takes place Outside the school 
and on your own time. 
That's why Homework
 is so Critical to Furthering 
one's Education. 
It's not learned till it hits home 
and you can Apply it Consistently! 
Ruffians Comprehend this not! 
They lack the Foundations necessary to Know 
and hence Seek the Superficial rather than the Core.
Yet so many attend schools thinking
 "This is all that I will need to know..."
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  
-------------- 7 LAs&Ss -------------- 

It's most unfortunate 
that some people characterize 
the Seven Liberal Arts & Sciences 
as the medieval equivalent of a Complete Education, 
which it certainly was not.
 It was not offered as a Complete Education at that time. 
It was offered as a required Foundation 
that made Further Serious Studies possible. 
 In other words, 
the Seven Liberal Arts & Sciences 
was not considered Complete Education; 
it was considered 
the Basis of Further Learning.  
-------------- HUMOR --------------  

-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

Far too many come into this Craft 
Looking for a Religious Experience 
in the Worst Way...
...and by God, 
they sometimes get it.
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  
You cannot Reasonably Expect 
to turn around 
a Declining Membership Trend 
in any Educational Organization 
when its Educators are 
"Masters in name only" 
who Progress their Students 
upon Unsuitable Proficiency.  
-------------- STILL PUZZLED? --------------  
An Organization 
is no Better than its Members. 
With this in mind: 
No Organization Improves 
without Improving Its Membership. 
To make any effort to Improve an Organization 
without Improving its Members 
is madness incarnate. 

  -------------- MORALS, VALUES & BELIEFS --------------  

are Instruction Sets 
based upon Intentions 
to Honor & Respect Values & Beliefs. 
Values & Beliefs 
are as Varied as the stars in the heavens 
and they remain as Constant as the clouds in the sky. 
Show me men who have Consistent Values & Beliefs 
and what you show me are Graves. 
But even though the stars in the sky vary,
 when you perpend Values & Beliefs well enough, 
you shall surely see 
what Light they have in common.
-------------- MYTH --------------  

“All the gods, 
all the heavens, 
all the hells, 
are within you.”
Joseph Campbell

-------------- BRING IT OUT! --------------  

Order (from) Chaos... 
Bring It On!
-------------- THE WAR --------------  

The War Doesn't End 
When the Master's Title 
is Bestowed Upon you. 
All That Preceded that Event 
Was Mere Preparation.
 -------------- RUFFIAN -------------- 
-------------- AMEN! --------------  

"It's not enough to be 
the best at what you do; 
you must be perceived as 
the only one who does what you do."
-- Jerry Garcia (1942-1995, Musician)
Yes Indeed!

-------------- EA WORK -------------- 

...a heart unfortified, 
a mind immature... 
As much as I would love to see 
Seven Liberal Arts & Sciences studies promoted 
and supported by my Brothers, 
I know that educating an ill prepared heart 
brings nothing but woe. 
The EA Degree points to the following Work 
and for good reason: 
1) Emotions Management (Passions & Desires) 
2) Standards and Boundaries Management 
(Compasses - Subduing & Circumscribing) 
3) Time Management (24IG & more!) 
4) Vice and Superfluity Management (CG) 
5) Morality and Ethics Management (VoSL) 
6) Virtue Development (Strengthening Exercises) 
7) Integrity Cultivation (Being true to one's Word) 
What are you doing to help prepare Brothers' Hearts? 
For Further Light:

 -------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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