Sunday, June 2, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-02


-------------- HUMOR --------------  

When you carefully consider
 all the countless difficulties, challenges and problems 
all Lodges have keeping things going, 
you soon realize how ridiculous any claim 
that Freemasons rule the world actually is.
Such claims when taken seriously 
show more arrogant ignorance
 than actual truth.  
 -------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

To Find the Truth,
 Know The Difference between 
Picking a Fantasy and 
Picking at a Fantasy.
It pays to be picky!
 -------------- ALLEGORY--------------  
The Lodge is not any Building 
or any Group who perform Ritual therein. 
Far too many Brothers see it this way though 
and for them, 
that is all that a Lodge can be.
 -------------- CHARACTER --------------  

 Big Disappointment Comes 
From Learning How Few Men 
Join Our Great Fraternity 
To Better Themselves. 
Even Greater When it is You!
-------------- MYTH --------------  
"It once was possible for the ancients to say, 
\'We are the chosen of God!' 
and to save all love and respect for themselves, 
projecting their malice 'out there.' 
We have now to learn somehow to quench our hate and disdain 
through the actual operation of love . . . 
and with that fructify, 
simultaneously, both our neighbor's life and our own."
-- Joseph Campbell, Thou Art That
(courtesy of the Joseph Campbell Foundation)

-------------- DEAL --------------  
There is an unusually large cross-section of Craft members 
who have no clue at all as to what the Fraternity 
can do for Brothers who want to become Better men. 
They honestly believe that being a Member is all that is necessary. 
Sadly, they act as if those who do have a clue 
actually don't 
and Condemn them for making any Sustained Effort 
to Realize Betterment for themselves. 
Dealing with these Brothers is one of the things 
clued Brothers must become Better at 
should they wish to remain sane and not lose heart. 
Let's all pray for betterment.
-------------- LIFE 101 --------------  

-------------- PURSUE --------------  

Pursuing "Eureka!": 
a Task Best Left
 to those Radically Unsatisfied 
with Mundane Superficialities.
-------------- THE ONE --------------  

-------------- YOU ARE HERE --------------  

"When the world gets crazy, remember your boundaries."
-- Bro. Richard Newton
-------------- SUMMONS -------------- 
And now, a different spin on an old familiar story...
"...He then scooped up the other embers with the ash shovel 
and put them in an ash bucket, 
closed its heavy lid down upon it, 
and sealed them off from the natural draft. 
He sat back and enjoyed the warm glow of the remaining ember, 
now flared up in brilliant glow due to the swift flow of the flue draft...."
Continued: here
-------------- END -------------- 

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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