Thursday, June 6, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-06


-------------- LIVE THEM! -------------- 

It is Never Enough 
to just Remember your Obligations
for your Life to Change for the Better!
-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

Neither Map nor Untrained Reader
will ever do Complete Justice 
to the Territory 
it or they Describes.
For Further Light:

-------------- HUMOR --------------  

-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
Any structure 
intended to hold you back 
rather than support your further growth 
is counter-productive.  

-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

 "Many come to Masonry 
looking for "something". 
Very few ever learn 
that the thing they came looking for 
was themselves."
-- Bro. Chris Bonner
-------------- RUFFIAN -------------- 
-------------- SOMETHING OTHER --------------  

For any Winding Staircase 
to Provide Betterment to men, 
it must first be Connected to something 
other than Itself. 
When it is fixated solely upon itself, 
you Engage in a Fruitless Illusion 
that brings nothing but Woe. 
When you don't Take Care in what you Commit yourself, 
your Efforts shall have you going around in Circles 
that Provide nothing more than Entertainment 
to outside observers 
and Support to those 
who want you Distracted. 
-------------- MATURE -------------- 

When you tire 
of organizations treating you 
as a child, 
do not rebel, 
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
It's a terrible shame that the word, Master", 
doesn't have the same significance within the Fraternity 
as it does within the Craft.
-------------- MYTH -------------- 

The Hero Path

"We have not even to risk the adventure alone
for the heroes of all time have gone before us.
The labyrinth is thoroughly known ...
we have only to follow the thread of the hero path.
And where we had thought to find an abomination
we shall find a God.

"And where we had thought to slay another
we shall slay ourselves.
Where we had thought to travel outwards
we shall come to the center of our own existence.
And where we had thought to be alone
we shall be with all the world.”
Joseph Campbell 

-------------- MUSIC --------------  

The Timing is Right!
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

Question #13: An Apprentice whom you are responsible for assisting comes to you and says he wants to improve himself in Masonry and wants a task list upon which he can Work. You have such a list. What is on it?
Question #14: How do you discover and uncover the true interests of an Apprentice?  Explain it so that others will understand completely!

-------------- CHANGES --------------  
"Still further change occurred 
with the conversion of the Craft. 
Its focus went from cultivating 
masterful craftsmen 
who used their skills
 to generate revenues 
to cultivating paying members 
who use their skill 
to bring in new members. 
It was no longer necessary 
to assure that new members 
came from superior stock. 
All that was necessary 
was they were free enough 
to be trained to bring others 
into membership. 
Due to that shift in focus, 
Mastery took on an entirely different 
meaning and direction."

SOURCE: Building Free Men - Volume 8 
-------------- MAKING MORE! -------------- 

Lecture Playlist 
is Completely uploaded!
-------------- END --------------   

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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