Monday, June 10, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-10


-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

Physical (Strength - EA)
Spiritual (Wisdom - FC)
Soul (Beauty - MM)
Any Questions?

To get your Soul Squared Up,
you must first Square Up
the Physical and Spiritual Aspects 
of your life!
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION TEASE --------------

-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

 Don't Think for a Moment 
that Every Choice you Make 
and Every Action you Take 
 are Not Examples for Someone. 
Be the Worthwhile Example!
 -------------- FALSE CLAIMS -------------- 

-------------- FALSE CHARACTER --------------  

It can't be stressed more emphatically how easily dismissed Apprentice Work is by the comment, "we are Always a Work in Progress" coupled with a "why bother?" attitude. 
It's like giving a "get out of taking a bath" license to a kid because he rationalizes that he's gonna get dirty all over again anyway. 
Maturity accepts the fact that Dirt's gonna happen. Maturity also Firmly Establishes Cleanliness; a Well-Entrenched Habit that Effectively Avoids, Contains and Deals with Dirt when it manifests. Journeyman and Masters have this habit, they have Matured to Adulthood and are men by their core nature. 
Apprentices are messy by their very nature and must do Work upon themselves to "get it" (Mature). 
When males have done the Apprentice Work, they are no longer Apprentices (Youths). 
If they have Matured, how could they be?
For a long-winded thought-provoking look at this, check out this link.
-------------- CHALLENGE -------------- 
Witnessing other men's childishness 
reveals to you 
who you would be 
had you not taken 
the necessary steps to mature.
 -------------- SELF-FIXATION -------------- 
The Problem with Closed Systems... 
  When Winding Staircases 
are fixated solely upon themselves, 
you Engage in a Fruitless Illusion 
that brings Nothing but Woe.
-------------- MYTH --------------  

“Gods suppressed become devils, 
and often it is these devils 
whom we first encounter 
when we turn inward.”
Joseph Campbell  
-------------- MUSIC --------------  

Properly orchestrated disharmonies 
always lead to pleasant resolutions. 
They should not be discouraged 
but nurtured fully through to fruition!
-------------- RUFFIANS --------------  

The first Ruffian suffered 
from poor Time Management; 
he used his Working Tool wastefully.
The second suffered 
from uncircumscribed Passions
and unsubdued Desires; 
he used his Working Tool immorally. 
The third suffered 
from Lack of Schooling; 
his zeal couldn't drive home knowledge 
with his Working Tool;
it prevented it! 
They all visited their shortcomings on Mastery. 
The lesson is clear: 
When you don't do the Work of the first two Degrees, 
any hope for Mastery shall be buried in Rubbish.
-------------- DEFINING --------------  
-------------- HISTORY --------------
protecting the rights of people
from Ochlocracies
since time immemorial!
 -------------- RUFFIAN --------------

-------------- HUMOR --------------  

 -------------- END --------------  

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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