Monday, June 24, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-24


 -------------- DRIFT --------------  
The Rest of Our Story!

Due to a papal bull in February 1582, 
a changeover from the Julian calendar 
to the Gregorian calendar system 
occurred initially only in Roman Catholic countries.
However, adoption of the Gregorian calendar 
in the rest of the world progressed slowly.
For example, for England and its colonies, 
the change did not occur until September 1752.
What solar date then, 
correcting for the changeover, 
did the first
St. John the Baptist day celebration
in 1717 actually occur? 
I think you'll be very surprised! 
(Contact me back channel for the answer!)

HINT: Think July...

-------------- DRIFT --------------  
 When you understand calendar drift, 
you recognize that the Holy Saints John days 
are at the Solstices
 rather than the dates upon which
we currently celebrate them. 

In other words, 
we've passed this last one
and are already moving toward
the next one. 
With this being said, 
I wish you a "Happy St. John's Day" anyway. 
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  

  -------------- HUMOR --------------  
The saddest aspect of our collective Time Management Instruction is that we're shown a wonderful Working Tool, told for what it is supposed to be used and then we never ever coach, mentor, guide, teach, train, instruct, demonstrate, show, or tutor our Candidates on how to use it proficiently. 
Then we complain, moan and whine when Brothers, wearing a "Master's" title, don't show up on time, don't have time to attend meetings or have lives that are time management nightmares. 
Loss my Brothers!! Utter totally avoidable and preventable loss to both these Brothers and all those impacted by their lack of proficiency. 
What we collectively don't do has more Impact upon us, the organization and society than we want to admit. And we do it to ourselves, daily.
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

Apprenticeship within the Fraternity actually meant something at one time. 
Now it's just a Passing thought. 
If you want to develop Mastery, you're not going to do that by merely going through a ceremony. 
If you want it, you have to actually put in the time to develop Mastery and do so under the guidance of Masterful Artisans who can AND DO Instruct you! 
And if you are fortunate to find a master to apprentice under, bring something to the table that will honor his guidance! 
Even if that is your enthusiasm and commitment!....

For Further Light:
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

Find just one solid definition, description or reference to the term, "Perfect Ashlar" in "Stone Masonry" literature, dictionaries or glossaries THAT IS NOT INFLUENCED by Freemasonic literature and share it and any link to it.

NOTE: The term "Smooth Ashlar" does not count!  PLEASE DO NOT REFER OR SHARE FREEMASONIC influenced information.  The challenge is to identify stone mason information only, not freemasonic information that is already freely available.
Let the rabbit chase BEGIN!

source: http:/

-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  
 That Instance when you Suddenly Realize 
that Others are Making Every Effort 
to Polarize your very Being, 
not just your Thinking, 
and you are slowly Succumbing 
to their Siren's Call.
-------------- LEWIS --------------  

You're Welcome!
-------------- FERTILE GROUND--------------   

 Enlightenment means
 Recognizing & Grasping Fertile Ground; 
some of us are Surrounded by far more of it 
than we can Handle.
-------------- KNOW THEM! --------------  

You'll know them 
by Certain Signs, Words, Tokens 
and a Valid Dues Card* 
from a Recognized Lodge.

* USA Jurisdictions

  -------------- DIE HARD -------------- 
DIE HARD... The Original
-------------- ASSEMBLY REQUIRED --------------  

Far too many men look at Proficiencies 
as training the next generation of Freemasons 
to replace the Line of Officers in the Lodge Building.
 They miss the more important aspects 
and opportunities that these Proficiencies offer
 to both the men teaching them and those receiving them. 
As a result, 
generations of men are treated as possible assembly line replacements 
rather than the Builders of our collective future.
-------------- MYTH --------------  

"Nietzsche was the one who did the job for me. 
At a certain moment in his life, 
the idea came to him of what he called 'the love of your fate.' 
Whatever your fate is, whatever the hell happens, 
you say, 'This is what I need.' 
It may look like a wreck, 
but go at it as though it were an opportunity,
 a challenge.
 If you bring love to that moment
—not discouragement—
you will find the strength is there."
-- Joseph Campbell in "A Joseph Campbell Companion: 
Reflections on the Art of Living"
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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