Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-12


-------------- HUMOR --------------  
Oh Lord My God, 
is there no hope 
for this Nut?  
Are you Amused 
or Irritated?

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  
For Further Light:
-------------- MIGHTY -------------- 

 Just as Mighty Oaks 
Rise not up from a Seed in one day, 
Masterful Men are Not one day Raised.
Yet many a nut thinks himself to be a might oak.
Source: Building Free Men - Volume 8
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

To Build Anything Long Lasting 
Requires Raising Men; 
not Boys.
-------------- CONJECTURE --------------    
FILED UNDER: Conjecturative Masons
Conjecture: an opinion or conclusion 
formed on the basis of incomplete information. 
[synonym] speculation, guesswork, surmise, fancy, 
presumption, assumption, theory, postulation, supposition; 
inference, (an) extrapolation; an estimate; 
a guesstimate, a shot in the dark, a ballpark figure; winging it!
[antonym] fact 
[origin]late Middle English (in the senses ‘to divine’ and ‘divination’): 
from Old French, or from Latin conjectura, from conicere ‘put together in thought,’ 
from con- ‘together’ + jacere ‘throw.’
-------------- ALLEGORY--------------
 "If words are not things, 
or maps are not the actual territory, 
then, obviously, 
the only possible link between the objective world 
and the linguistic world 
is found in structure, 
and structure alone."
 -- Alfred Korzybski Philosopher & Scientist
-------------- CURTAIN FOR CERTAIN --------------  
-------------- SPECULATION --------------  
FILED UNDER: Know How to Decode!
Every well-studied Fellow 
knows to what the "G" denotes. 
Complete your Liberal Arts and Sciences 
and you shall know to what "G" Alludes. 
Hint: It may "symbolize" God, 
but that's just the curtain you have to penetrate 
to comprehend the mystery behind what it represents.
For Further Light:
 -------------- CHALLENGE -------------- 

Question #24: How do you encourage worthy men 
toward wanting to know 
the Arcanum Arcanorum 
and toward taking effective actions 
toward this end?
Question #25: When an Apprentice asks you
 'How have you Bettered yourself?' 
what do you share with him?
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

-------------- MYTH --------------  
“Eternity isn’t some later time. 
Eternity isn’t even a long time. 
Eternity has nothing to do with time. 
Eternity is that dimension of here and now
 that all thinking in temporal terms cuts off. 
And if you don’t get it here, 
you won’t get it anywhere. 
The problem with heaven 
is that you will be having such a good time there, 
you won’t even think of eternity. 
You’ll just have this unending delight
 in the beatific vision of God. 
But the experience of eternity right here and now, 
in all things, 
whether thought of as good or as evil, 
is the function of life.”
-- Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth (with Bill Moyers)
When you don't get Eternity, Immortality sucks!

-------------- HISTORY --------------  
"Henry IV, after 1399, 
was perhaps the first king of England 
for whom English was the language of choice. 
Even so, by royal command from 1362, 
all pleas in the law courts 
– and from 1363, 
the majority of discussions in the parliamentary Commons – 
had to be conducted in English. 
skills that today we assume to be confined 
to the bilingual inhabitants of a country 
such as Switzerland, 
were a part of daily life
 for an educated minority of medieval England."
For Further Light:

-------------- MUSIC --------------  

-------------- DRIVEN --------------  
For that time in your Life 
when the Desire to Understand the Fantasy 
Becomes so Overwhelming, 
it Drives you toward that Unspeakable Act 
of Wanting to Read something 
Truly Insightful, Wholly Worthwhile, 
and Dramatically Life Changing.

The go-to book to help you make sense of it all.

For Further Light:
 -------------- RUFFIAN --------------  
 -------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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