Saturday, June 15, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-15



-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  
 The Hiramic lesson Truth 
is Lost to far too many. 
Mastery is not a Possession 
that can be or is handed over 
from one man to another 
and you're a Ruffian when you think as such.
For Further Light:
All about the Hiramic Legend

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  
  -------------- IF ONLY! -------------- 
 -------------- CHARACTER --------------  
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

Question #27: What Working Materials 
were revealed to you at the EA level?
Question #28: How does the Ancient Greek Xenia custom 
apply to Freemasonic Tradition today?
Question #29: How does Storge 
differ from Agape?
-------------- EXPECTATIONS --------------  

"To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect."
-- Oscar Wilde
"If you do not expect the unexpected you will not find it, 
for it is not to be reached by search or trail."
-- Heraclitus
Expect the  😊nexpected.
-------------- THE ROAD --------------  
A Rocky Road of Improvement
-------------- PREVENTION --------------  
 Until you Unburden your Heart 
and Unclutter your Mind, 
it will not be your Eyes 
that Prevent you from Seeing.
-------------- INTENT! --------------  

When an intelligent man 
joins a Body-Building Club 
to Build his Body 
and soon thereafter
 is asked to help run it 
rather than 
focus upon Building his Body, 
he shall soon loose interest 
in both
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
 When your own Light 
shines Brightly, 
you're less likely to harbor 
Dark delusions.
 -------------- MYTH --------------  
 -------------- NOURISHMENT --------------  

 When hungry men 
come to eat healthy meals 
and are summarily trained to serve it 
while only being given whiffs of its scent, 
their guts shall soon direct them 
to Travel elsewhere for nourishment.
Masonry's Landscape 
is Nourishing 
only to Brothers
 trained to Recognize 
what's edible.
 -------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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