Saturday, June 1, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-01


-------------- WORKING TOOLS --------------  

Each & Every Working Tool shown to you 
during your Craft Lodge Degrees 
Represents a Life Enriching Discipline.

The Only True Working Tool is the Mind. 
All Others are Merely Reminders 
of the Life Changing Disciplines 
One Must Consciously Cultivate 
Within One's Heart and Head.
When you do not 
Internalize these Disciplines,
You sustain a Level of Life
that Prevents your Knowing
The Master's Word.
For Further Light:
-------------- MAKING CEMENT --------------  
 My YouTube Channel's edition 
of the first of 5 video segments in the Master Level Section... 
Part one - Making Masonic Cement 
Have you ever wondered 
how the Cement of Brotherly Love and Affection is made? 
The clues are found directly within ritual!
-------------- THE REALITY --------------  

"Masonic Education" that's provided by most Brothers within this Society focuses upon three primary areas: 
Organizational Structure, Organizational History & Organizational Ritual. 
In truth, there's very little that has not already been shared on these three areas. 
After a while, you could reasonably say that you've heard it all before. And you would not be lying, especially when you have been an active member for many years. Sharing information in these three areas alone presents a dis-incentive to have this type of Masonic Education continue to be shared (unless required) because it's quite boring to those who have sat through it dozens of times. It's no longer interesting to them.
One of the things that I point out on a regular basis is that this Organizational information is not truly "Masonic Education" at all. It's "Freemasonic Education" due to its strict and narrow focus upon the "Organization" and not the actual Building of men.
When you want to Improve yourself and your Brothers, you have to stop providing "information" that focuses only upon the Organization. You must start providing opportunities that Improve Men! 
This requires different Light (W), different Sight (B) and Different Might (S).
Do you have the Word for this?
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

"When young men seek to be like you, 
when lazy men resent you, 
when powerful men look over their shoulder at you, 
when cowardly men plot behind your back, 
when corrupt men wish you were gone 
and evil men want you dead... 
Only then will you have done Your Share." 
-- Phil Messina
(Hat Tip to Bro. Jerry Klein)
 -------------- CHARACTER --------------  
 -------------- INVITATION ONLY --------------  

 Freemasonry only Invites males to Grow Up. 
It won't Force them to Do so. 
If you remain active for any length of time, 
there will be many times 
when you will be required to Accept 
or at least Tolerate 
the Immaturity that Plagues the Craft.

For Further Light:

-------------- CIPHER --------------    
-------------- MYTH --------------  

"What if we choose
not to do the things we are supposed to do?

The principal gain
is a sense of an authentic act
– and an authentic life.

It may be a short one,
but it is an authentic one,
and that's a lot better
than those short lives full of boredom.

The principal loss is security.

Another is respect from the community.

But you gain 
the respect of another community,
the one that is worth having the respect of."

-- Joseph Campbell,
Myth & the Body:
A Colloquy with Joseph Campbell p. 39

-------------- COMPARING LITERATURE --------------  
 His disciples said to him, 
"When will the kingdom come?"
(Jesus said) "It will not come by watching for it. 
It will not be said, 'Look, here!' 
or 'Look, there!' 
the Father's kingdom 
is spread out upon the earth, 
and people don't see it."
-- Gospel of Thomas 
-------------- HAVING LIGHT --------------  
 Imagine having Light 
that puts all the 
Irritating Discrepancies and Annoying Inconsistencies 
into Clear Perspective, 
Leaving little Doubt as to 
why the Craft does what it does?

For Further Light:

 -------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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