Friday, June 14, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-14


-------------- HUMOR --------------  
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  
-------------- WORKING TOOLS --------------  

Masonic Boots: 
Yet another Working Tool 
not often Employed 
for Much Needed Travel 
and Suitable Kicking!
-------------- TRADITION --------------  

Mauling Good Men 
Since Time Immemorial.
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

"That men do not learn very much 
from the lessons of history 
is the most important 
of all the lessons of history."
-- Aldous Huxley.
-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

Insight is 
Spiritual Eyesight
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
 -------------- MYTH --------------  
“Instead of clearing his own heart the zealot tries to clear the world.”
Joseph Campbell,
  The Hero with a Thousand Faces 

-------------- SATIRE --------------  
Satire is often times biting... 
FREEMASONS, n. An order with secret rites, 
grotesque ceremonies and fantastic costumes, 
which, originating in the reign of Charles II, 
among working artisans of London, 
has been joined successively 
by the dead of past centuries in unbroken retrogression 
until now it embraces all the generations of man 
on the hither side of Adam 
and is drumming up distinguished recruits 
among the pre-Creational inhabitants of Chaos and Formless Void. 
The order was founded at different times 
by Charlemagne, Julius Caesar, Cyrus, Solomon, 
Zoroaster, Confucious, Thothmes, and Buddha. 
Its emblems and symbols have been found 
in the Catacombs of Paris and Rome, 
on the stones of the Parthenon and the Chinese Great Wall, 
among the temples of Karnak and Palmyra 
and in the Egyptian Pyramids -- always by a Freemason. 
-- Ambrose Bierce. The Devil’s Dictionary
The World Publishing Company: 
Cleveland and New York. 1941. p. 108.
-------------- RUFFIAN --------------  
 For Further Light:

-------------- HUMOR TOO -------------- 

(Hat tip to Brother Robert Fike!)
-------------- CHANGE THIS!! --------------  
 When your offered 
Lodge activities 
don't attract, 
your Lodge 
is the Craft Problem.

-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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