Thursday, June 20, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-20


-------------- HUMOR --------------  

When you think you have it to sell, 
you don't. 
For Further Light:
Is it the real thing?
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION -------------- 

-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
The difference between 
men who have done the Work 
and those who have not 
is that the former do not get caught up in a metaphor, 
while the latter are chained to it. 
For Further Light:

-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

 Until You Get 
Your Nuts Out of the Shadows
 and Into the Light, 
They are not Going to Grow 
in Worthwhile Directions
 -------------- WORK --------------  

"It is often said that
Freemasonry 'Takes good men and makes them better men.'
You don't, however, become a better man
the moment you are given that secret handshake
or have that secret word whispered in your ear.
It takes time, patience, and perseverance to get there.
Only by studying and understanding
our obligations, lectures and charges
will we ever attain an understanding
of what Freemasonry means.
It is only by applying the principles taught in the above
into our daily lives that we will ever become
that 'Better Man.' "
- Bro. Dennis Ricker / June 20, 2014 
-------------- ROOTS --------------   
 E amulet
 See Section XII 
and let me know if you read 
at least TWO THINGS 
that sound familiar...
-------------- GRAMMAR --------------  

Ineptocracy. (in-ep-toc'-ra-cy)
 a system of government where 
the least capable to lead are elected 
by the least capable of producing 
and where the members of society 
least likely to sustain themselves or succeed 
are rewarded with goods and services 
paid for by the confiscated wealth 
of a diminishing number of producers. 
Complaining in any Direction
 that Makes no Difference 

For Further Light:
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
For Further Light:

-------------- MYTH -------------- 

“Not all who hesitate are lost. 
The psyche has many secrets in reserve. 
And these are not disclosed 
unless required.” 
― Joseph Campbell, 
The Hero With a Thousand Faces
-------------- DECLINES --------------  

Worrying about the Membership Decline 
since Time Immemorial.
For Further Light:

 -------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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