Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-26


 -------------- OUR MASONIC PURPOSE --------------  

For Further Light: 
You'll find it clearly stated
toward the end of
the Apprentice Degree.
Can you find
and communicate it?

 -------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------   

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION TOO --------------  

To understand
TRUE "Masonic Education" 
you first must understand 
how it differs from
"Freemasonic Education"
-------------- MASON JAR --------------  
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
When you Conclude 
that you can't Trust your Trust, 
you're still Trusting 
your Mistrust of your Trust.
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

Identify the year (or general decade) 
when the Working Tools 
were given symbolic application within Ritual.
NOTE: Not the symbolic application themselves; 
only the year!
Let the rabbit chase begin!

-------------- IT DOES! --------------  
Masonry Rocks!  
-------------- DRESS --------------   

Ruffian Attire: 
Because just like 
the Ruffians who wear them, 
they'll always cost more 
than they are worth!
-------------- GOD --------------  

It's humorous 
when people say they "found God". 
This of course is impossible! 
God doesn't get Lost. 
God made the territory. 
God surrounds us. 
They didn't "find" God. 
They merely became "aware" 
that God is present. 
They finally "noticed" 
that they were not alone. 
 -------------- TRUTH --------------   

I've had far too many people in my life 
push me to this point, 
purposefully trying to prove I was disloyal 
by the most devious means possible. 
Each of them showed me 
that my initial loyalty to them 
was never in question. 
My placing trust in them was.
 Hence the crucial need
 for "No Training!"
  -------------- WELL? -------------- 
-------------- OFF ENDED --------------  

You're more Likely to get "Off Ended" 
when you're Already Mentally "On Edge".
-------------- ASTRONOMY --------------  

Tell me if you see something quite remarkable...
-------------- RUFFIAN -------------- 

-------------- MYTH --------------  
“Marriage is not a love affair. 
A love affair is a totally different thing. 
A marriage is a commitment to that which you are. 
That person is literally your other half. 
And you and the other are one. 
A love affair isn't that. 
That is a relationship for pleasure, 
and when it gets to be unpleasurable, it's off.
 But a marriage is a life commitment, 
and a life commitment means the prime concern of your life. 
If marriage is not the prime concern, 
you're not married....
The Puritans called marriage 
"the little church within the Church." 
In marriage, every day you love, and every day you forgive. 
It is an ongoing sacrament – love and forgiveness.... 
Like the yin/yang symbol....Here I am, 
and here she is, and here we are. 
Now when I have to make a sacrifice, 
I'm not sacrificing to her,
 I'm sacrificing to the relationship. 
Resentment against the other one is wrongly placed. 
Life is in the relationship,
 that's where your life now is. 
That's what a marriage is –
 whereas, in a love affair, 
you have two lives in a more or less 
successful relationship to each other 
for a certain length of time, as long as it seems agreeable.”
Joseph Campbell,  
The Power of Myth  
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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